Environment Management

The Environment Management module supports the requirements of the ISO-14000 standard and allows you to take into account environmental activities, including carry out registration and assessment of environmental protection requirements and control environmental impacts.
All documentation related to environmental management activities is kept in accordance with document management standards. ISO-14000 supports requirements for activities related to the definition of criteria for environmental impact assessment.
The main functions of the module:
- company control over production processes or specific areas to better understand the environmental impact;
- determination of the method of calculating importance (quantitative, qualitative, etc.) and criteria for assessing environmental impact;
- binding characteristics of environmental impact to the organizational structure of the enterprise;
- notification of those responsible for the process of the need to re-evaluate the characteristics and improve the action plan;
- waste control. Preparation of annual reports to the competent environmental authorities, tracking and measurement of waste to draw up action plans to control measures;
- the formation of an emergency plan of action in emergency situations, as well as corrective and preventive actions, the appointment of those responsible for the process of performing these actions.