.: +7 (495) 995-21-30
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Personnel Outplacement and Selection

The right people, gathered in the right place, create a creative environment. And a company supporting such an environment will receive talented and motivated employees who will accelerate the achievement of the company’s goals. And the Personnel Outplacement and Selection module, which belongs to the functional block of human resources management of the Ma-3 system and is designed to recruit and select personnel for various positions in the organization, is intended to contribute to this.

The main functions of the module are as follows:

Definition of positions. Using the data collected during the analysis of the position, it is possible to prepare a profile of an adequate specialist for a specific position in the organizational structure of the company. Within the framework of a professional profile, the employee must know the field of his activity, his duties and functions. All these data are available in the directory of posts.

Vacancy control. Automated control of open and closed vacancies. Informing interested parties about the number of open, closed vacancies, the closing date and expenses incurred by the company.

Assessment factors: general and group. Allow to qualify positions in the company. As general assessment factors, such elements as training, experience, physical effort, risks and their gradation are used. Thus, when analyzing the curriculum, it is assessed whether the candidate possesses the necessary qualities.

Group assessment factors allow you to determine the differences between positions and qualifications required for work, based on common factors.

Test tasks for candidates. You can prepare entrance tests for the selection of candidates. Tests can be created in the form of questions requiring a manual input of the answer, or questions with several answer options covering general or specific knowledge, depending on the needs of the organization.

Defining the selection process for candidates. It includes all the steps that candidates or employees involved in the selection process must go through.

Recruitment. Based on the entire recruitment and selection process, you can evaluate which candidate has the required qualifications and complete the admission process.

When accepting a candidate for work, the system automatically transfers personal data to the module Personnel Management.

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