Positions and Salaries
Salary is an objective reflection of the value of employees for the company. If the level of salary is associated with a career plan, if the wage system is under the competent management of personnel services, salary can serve not just as a motivating factor. In this case, it becomes the basis for a comprehensive motivation based on the prospect of professional growth in the current position and in the circle of duties.
Without taking into account available opportunities, the motivating role of salary is insignificant. But it enhances the impact of such opportunities on the development of the company when the employee realizes their presence.
A prerequisite for creating motivating plans aimed at achieving the goal through joint work of effective employees is the availability of adequate human resources management plans. The cornerstones of such plans are positions and salaries, and plans will not work without them.
The main of these plans is the personnel plan. It is followed by career plans, as well as training and staff development plans.
The module Positions and Salaries allows you to automate the management processes of such plans. Among its controls are the following:
Definition of positions. Using the data collected during the analysis of the position, it is possible to prepare a profile of an adequate specialist for a specific position in the organizational structure of the company. Within the framework of a professional profile, the employee must know the field of his activity, his duties and functions. All these data are available in the directory of posts.
Assessment factors: general and group. Allow to qualify positions in the company. As general assessment factors, such elements as training, experience, physical effort, risks and their gradation are used. Thus, when analyzing the curriculum, it is assessed whether the candidate possesses the necessary qualities.
Group assessment factors allow you to determine the differences between positions and qualifications required for work, based on common factors.
Analysis and adjustment of salaries. One of the tasks of the module is to maintain a balance between internal and external estimates of wages. Internal balance is achieved through the correct assessment of costs. External – due to adjustments to the company’s salary based on labor market statistics.
The functionality of the module provides an opportunity to conduct a survey of the state of the salary level based on a survey. Data collection can be done manually or automatically. In manual mode, companies receive a form to fill out data. The automatic mode implies the use of the PSAL system (salary and incentive survey system), where companies enter data for the survey, followed by the formation of a file for updating the module data.
To conduct an effective study of salaries, a number of controls are available:
- Indexing guide to match the collected salary data to the collection period;
- Ranking of participating companies by size, type of activity, turnover and region;
- Optimized presentation of results;
- Register of data collected for evaluation.
Tariff grid. Manual or automatic generation of tariff grids is possible. When generating manually, the user forms a grid in accordance with the needs of the company, and the automatic grid is calculated based on the established salary policy of the company.
Salary adjustment. Allows you to evaluate the salary in each case and its relevance to the position and the general level of the employee.
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