.: +7 (495) 995-21-30
22nd km, Kievskoe shosse, est. 6, bld. 1, A4b, Moscow, Russian Federation

Business Intelligence and Reporting

The Business Intelligence and Reporting environment provides the collection and consolidation of data from a hierarchical organizational structure into a single repository, including downloading from external information systems. Moreover, the data is stored systematically, based on OLAP technology, in the form of arrays of indicators with a set of analytical features.

Further work with data is carried out through calculations based on aggregation algorithms and calculation formulas. And for the presentation of data in any acceptable way, a Form Designer is provided. The analyzed data, in turn, also lends itself to flexible visualization. Including in the form of regulated reporting.

For the subsequent use of the prepared data, they can be uploaded to an external information system.

Advantages and capabilities of the environment are:

  • Fast start
  • Clear interface
  • Drag’n’drop Report Designer
  • Real time reports
  • Teamwork
  • Full-fledged work on the tablet.

The basic principles of the environment are as follows:

Data storage in the form of indicators, not forms

The data in the storage are in the form of arrays of indicator values with an arbitrary (unlimited) number of analytical features.

Information structure flexibility

The composition and structure of directories and indicators are formed by users of the system with the appropriate access rights.

Forms of data input and presentation are constructed on the basis of indicators and directories by means of the user interface, without programming.

Information re-entry exception

Once entered indicator value is displayed in all forms of data input and presentation where this indicator is present.

Aggregation and calculations with adjustments for indicators

The system performs aggregation of indicators according to specified analytical characteristics and calculates indicators based on other indicators using the given formulas.

During the calculations, adjustments to the calculated values of indicators made by users manually are taken into account.

Auditability of Information

It supports full versioning, traceability of data and metadata changes, traceability of calculations and aggregation.

The “retrospection” mode provides a view of the state of information objects of the system at any time in the past.

Operational multivariate analysis of indicators

Multivariate analysis of indicators is supported in the on-line mode, without transferring data to a specialized analytical storage.


The environment provides an XML API for exchanging data with external systems using REST technology, as well as web services for importing / exporting data using the SOAP protocol.

The close interaction of the environment with the popular office packages LibreOffice, MS Excel is provided, including efficient data transfer through the clipboard.

Distributed storage configuration support

The environment can be deployed in both centralized and distributed configurations. The procedures for exchanging data between environment storages are configured using the user interface, without programming.

Using free system and base software

The use of freely distributed system and basic software provides not only high availability and reliability of the system, but also low cost of ownership.

No additional costs for the purchase of licenses will be required if the equipment capacity is increased, the system is transferred to other equipment, and system and base software versions are replaced.

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