.: +7 (495) 995-21-30
22nd km, Kievskoe shosse, est. 6, bld. 1, A4b, Moscow, Russian Federation


Ma-3 ERP-system provides integrated planning and management of all the main business processes of a modern enterprise. The system technology allows you to embed additional functions at any stage of business processes, which allows each company to modify the standard functionality of the system to bring it to the specifics of the business practice of the enterprise.


All modules of the Ma-3 ERP system are integrated with each other, which allows you to trace analytical features, such as projects and contracts, from the very first operation in the business process chain to the general ledger level. On the other hand, the modular approach allows for the phased implementation of the system from the corporate governance circuit to the automation of core activities and supporting processes.

Learn more about the Ma-3:

Telephone: +7 (495) 995-21-30

E-mail: info@national-platform.com
